And the other time consuming change to the Polly Purl world is the arrival of two new team members:
Let me introduce Tom and Mao cat:

The boyfriend's mum has moved out of her house and these two needed a new home- they've had to move all the way from a green suburb of London to the cold, grim North. I don't think they've found it easy and when they first arrived last Sunday they were very stressed and scared, Tom found a hiding hole under our lazy boy chair and would not come out at all. But they have now settled in and are treating this place like their personally palace and me like their servant. Tom really loves a cuddle especially when I'm watching TV in bed and Mao follows me around waiting for something, not sure what yet?
Tom and Mao have not been that helpful in my knitting, in fact some would say they are a nuisance. But I have managed to get some work done this week and below are a few teaser pictures.
I've got my self a new dummy that is a smaller size which helps as I can now see things on different sizes without bugging my friends to try things on.

As well as all the above I have become a bit addicted to Etsy, I have discovered the joy of creating a treasury list and window shopping on the site. You can see some of mine below -