I ordered myself another new gadget - a Brother KRC- 900 colour changer, a beast of a machine! This is used to knit double jersey fabrics with patterns on and no floats at the back - in other words jacquard fabrics. It is also a great time saver for knitting stripes and comes with a tension unit for four yarns (ok I may be a little over excited about it). It took a while for me to understand it - having to consult all my books and swear and pout a little, but I finally got it to work on stripes and jacquard - I could not be happier with the results! This means I can make so many things now with a pattern on - scarfs, mittens, socks, booties now will all be float-less in the back of the fabric!
Check out below for a video and images. I didn't do a tutorial video as I'm not sure anyone wants one but if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask.
Looks like I am trying to contact the mother ship - but this is my colour changer in action. You can't really see what's happening but that's the magic of it- at the end you get something like the below.
Look no floats in the back - a total reversible fabric!
One of my best purchase's from Ebay ever!